Orders over $175 and receive
Students use code
"School" for FREE SHIPPING
Whether you are an elementary or middle school, we can customize a fundraiser to maximize your profit with minimum effort on your part. Our professionally trained fund raising reps will run your fundraising program from start to finish. We offer only the highest quality products that you can feel good about selling. If your order is large, sit back and enjoy our pre-packed delivery system - no sorting the order! It's all done at our warehouse and delivered with product and prizes individually separated by student and class number. Students and parents just pick up and go!
Youth Groups
& Leagues
Does your school sport team need new or updated equipment? Does your school group need money for travel? Our professionally trained fundraising reps can run your fundraiser to maximize your profit. We partner with the highest quality vendors providing products that sell. Sit back and watch the money flow as our reps take care
of nearly the entire fundraising program,
start to finish. We will make you the most amount of money with the least amount of time and effort on your part.
Is your youth group taking a mission trip, going to camp or have other needs? Does your league need new or updated equipment? Are you a travel team or ‘rec’ team that needs funds? Whatever the need we can help you raise money. Let our professionally trained fundraising reps customize a fundraiser for you. They will run the program from start to finish, offering sport specific prizes to maximize your profit.
Orders using "School" code get FREE shipping direct to student at their school - all other orders shipped to non-school sites will pay for shipping